Case Study: Sree Narayan Guru Society

Automating Colleges and Universities with Workflows
The main Pain Points of the Client were to Automate all the campuses in one consolidated College ERP
1. Integrated Campus
- To have an Integrated Application for all the institutes, where in the Trustee and Management can have a whole picture and comparative analysis.
- To maintain transparency across departments and affiliated institutions and hostels
- To become globally competitive as per Washington Accord and to get accreditation for NAAC, NBA, ASIC etc.
- To consolidate data across departments. Consolidated Profit and Loss and balance sheet to be available

2. Resource and Opportunity sharing
- Admission and Recruitment campaigns to be unified Across Colleges.
- The leads coming should be shared so that other institute may follow up and convert if another institutes failed to do so.
- The facility management and stores items can be shared among all 13 institutes.
- The faculties should be able to work in multiple Institutes under the Trust.
- Resources like eg. Conference hall, Hostels, Class rooms and Convention centre, Projectors and other IT infrastructure and Employees can be shared and utilised optimally.
- The unutilised space and halls to be made profitable by managing better occupancy
3. Use of ICT
- To make decisions based on data
- To forecast admissions
- To move towards paperless work and good governance
- Online Enquiries and Admissions to increase the enrolment
- Online Fee payments to increase the fee collection
- Do away with Student diaries and Mark sheets or grade sheets and make if available on app
- Easy communication with Parents and Students and Teachers
- Automate real-time attendance and Leave applications
- To track visitors
- Wanted to do realistic appraisal of employees and reward them on the basis of performance
- To manage performance reviews, increase employee engagement, streamline goal management, and create an environment of real-time feedback.
- Wanted to Integrate or connect multiple application software like attendance, SMS, Moodle, Tally, LMS, Excel, Spreadsheets, etc.
- To Increase the efficiency of the people, machines and processes
- To streamline and standardize processes across all the Institutes
- To make uniform communication standard and work flows throughout the 13 institutes
- To Engage Alumni for Mentoring the students and for Placement purpose
- To give Publicity to the events on Social media
- Data Security

4. Bring Transparency and accuracy in Financial Accounting
- Receivable from Students and Receivable from Government
- Payable to Students and payable to Government
- Scholarship sanction and rollback and its impact on fee collections
- Inaccurate data entry errors need to be eliminated
- Payable to Vendors/Suppliers
- Hostel, Transportation and Meal costing and expenses
- Transparency in Procurement and proper approvals in Purchase Cycle
“QualCampus achieved this by using the 70+ Modules for End to End implementation"
Utilizing the workflows we streamlined their processes, thus Increasing Collaboration and Productivity:
1 Admission Management Wizard Workflow With such wizards and workflows, inaccurate data entry errors have been eliminated by nearly 100 percent.
2 Approximately 10 Lacs INR are being saved by going paperless (Exam Marks cards, Exam Forms, Notices, Leaves & Salary records, Purchase documents and approvals.)
3 Approximately 5000 Mandays each department is saving by processing the Data through QualCampus
4 There is approximately 30% Increase in timely fee collection
5 Approximately 20% increase in parents engagement
6 Approximately 30% increase in Alumni engagement
7 Faster and Improved Grievance redressal
8 Speedy Assessments and evaluations