Case Study: Sree Narayan Guru Society

SNGC Shree Narayan Guru College of Commerce

Automating Colleges and Universities with Workflows


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The main Pain Points of the Client were to Automate all the campuses in one consolidated College ERP

1. Integrated Campus

  • To have an Integrated Application for all the institutes, where in the Trustee and Management can have a whole picture and comparative analysis.
  • To maintain transparency across departments and affiliated institutions and hostels
  • To become globally competitive as per Washington Accord and to get accreditation for NAAC, NBA, ASIC etc.
  • To consolidate data across departments. Consolidated Profit and Loss and balance sheet to be available
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2. Resource and Opportunity sharing

  • Admission and Recruitment campaigns to be unified Across Colleges.
  • The leads coming should be shared so that other institute may follow up and convert if another institutes failed to do so.
  • The facility management and stores items can be shared among all 13 institutes.
  • The faculties should be able to work in multiple Institutes under the Trust.
  • Resources like eg. Conference hall, Hostels, Class rooms and Convention centre, Projectors and other IT infrastructure and Employees can be shared and utilised optimally.
  • The unutilised space and halls to be made profitable by managing better occupancy

3. Use of ICT

  • To make decisions based on data
  • To forecast admissions
  • To move towards paperless work and good governance
  • Online Enquiries and Admissions to increase the enrolment
  • Online Fee payments to increase the fee collection
  • Do away with Student diaries and Mark sheets or grade sheets and make if available on app
  • Easy communication with Parents and Students and Teachers
  • Automate real-time attendance and Leave applications
  • To track visitors
  • Wanted to do realistic appraisal of employees and reward them on the basis of performance
  • To manage performance reviews, increase employee engagement, streamline goal management, and create an environment of real-time feedback.
  • Wanted to Integrate or connect multiple application software like attendance, SMS, Moodle, Tally, LMS, Excel, Spreadsheets, etc.
  • To Increase the efficiency of the people, machines and processes
  • To streamline and standardize processes across all the Institutes
  • To make uniform communication standard and work flows throughout the 13 institutes
  • To Engage Alumni for Mentoring the students and for Placement purpose
  • To give Publicity to the events on Social media
  • Data Security
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4. Bring Transparency and accuracy in Financial Accounting

  • Receivable from Students and Receivable from Government
  • Payable to Students and payable to Government
  • Scholarship sanction and rollback and its impact on fee collections
  • Inaccurate data entry errors need to be eliminated
  • Payable to Vendors/Suppliers
  • Hostel, Transportation and Meal costing and expenses
  • Transparency in Procurement and proper approvals in Purchase Cycle

QualCampus achieved this by using the 70+ Modules for End to End implementation"

Utilizing the workflows we streamlined their processes, thus Increasing Collaboration and Productivity:

1 Admission Management Wizard Workflow With such wizards and workflows, inaccurate data entry errors have been eliminated by nearly 100 percent.

2 Approximately 10 Lacs INR are being saved by going paperless (Exam Marks cards, Exam Forms, Notices, Leaves & Salary records, Purchase documents and approvals.)

3 Approximately 5000 Mandays each department is saving by processing the Data through QualCampus

4 There is approximately 30% Increase in timely fee collection

5 Approximately 20% increase in parents engagement

6 Approximately 30% increase in Alumni engagement

7 Faster and Improved Grievance redressal

8 Speedy Assessments and evaluations