Challenges and Solutions in Education for Students, Parents, Teachers & Management

We are the lucky people who Survived the Pandemic, and we should be grateful to the Almighty

During this Pandemic, we saw how people helped and took care of each other. We saw how the internet played a pivotal role in helping all during the pandemic.

The time has come to implement Shared Economy & to bridge the gap in the accessibility of Information between the rich and poor. We need a major re-haul of the system

Below are my observations for Parents, Students, Teachers and the Management of Education Institutions at large

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Challenges & Solutions in Education for Parents

Parents should give their children a Computer instead of a Phone with the Internet, it helps in better monitoring the children and also helps increase their attention span comparatively to Phones.

Install monitoring and proctoring software to regulate them that give them the feeling that someone is watching.

Local Communities should have centres with Computers for the people who cannot afford PC and the Internet.

Challenges & Solutions in Education for Students

Make use of available resources in the right way.

Students can learn through Free Online sites and videos for education, I have given 3 sites for coding below, the same thing applies to other subjects as well.

Blockly from Google, Scratch language from MIT, similarly there are various sites for online learning of any subjects

Challenges & Solutions in Education for Teachers

COVID forced teachers to digitally transform. Now teachers are well versed in online tools & technology, and they are confident that yes they can teach online effectively as well!

Proctoring- gestures recognition, eyeballs, mouse movements, browser monitoring, recording of students’ webcams, recording of students’ screens, geo-tagging, force full screen, face recognition and period image capture apps to be installed on Students’ PC.

Handwriting’s importance is going down, Teachers should focus on improving reading skills. There is a daily surge in huge information on the Internet, which should be made to read and comprehend quickly.

Spelling and grammar importance can be practised from software tools, and games.

OSM- On-screen marking to save the time of teachers- visiting the centres for checking the physical papers.

AI- Artificial Intelligence & AR- Augmented Reality to be used while teaching

Tailor teaching for a group of students as per their personality traits and grasping

Chatbot for repetitive questions and simple concepts as per the syllabus.

Virtual Facilitators and Learning Environments: Chatbots or Virtual human teachers and facilitators can be used for interaction with the students. It will save a lot of teachers’ time

Challenges & Solutions in Education for Management of Educational Institutions

Management needs to use good global ERP, LMS (Learning Management System) and MIS software systems as foreign universities do. The system should be all in one. It should be integrated and there should not be any duplication of data.

International Accreditation like NBA, ASIC, CIS, IEYC, IPC, IMYC, etc to be done to improve quality and achieve international benchmarks and be globally competitive

Administrative Work: AI can automate grading exams, assessing homework, and providing feedback and suggestions to their students.

Using AI enrollment, admissions, and fee payments, results can be forecasted.

Alternate revenue model by offering online learning courses, leasing infrastructure to private parties when its underutilized and content development by faculties and selling the same online can help management to maintain multiple revenue sources, which will be helpful to sustain in uncertain times

How QualCampus can help achieve this:

QualCampus is an Education ERP system that includes features such as On Screen Marking, and Online Payment processing to make education more efficient and accessible

By implementing QualCampus, educational institutions can adapt to the new reality of remote learning and maintain their competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Where can you find the Best College ERP System in the Market?

When it comes to finding College ERP System, you have several options available. While many ERP providers offer College ERP System, QualSoft stands out as one of the leading brands renowned for providing exceptional ERP solutions. Our comprehensive range of offerings includes features such as Fees Management, Customer Relationship Management, Admission Management, Exam Management, Learning Management, Student Training & Placement Management, Online Class Management, and a top-notch College ERP System.

If you’re considering implementing or upgrading your existing ERP system in your educational institution, whether it’s a University, College, School, or group of institutions, look no further than QualCampus. With our cutting-edge ERP solution, you can streamline your administrative processes, enhance collaboration, and provide a seamless learning experience for your students. QualCampus is your ultimate one-stop solution for all your ERP needs in the education sector.

To know about QualCampus College ERP System

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